har man inget att göra gör man lite frågor ..

A is for age:
15 in  november
B is for booze of choice:
C is for career:
i want to be a journalist, but also a dancer.
D is for your dad's name:
E is for essential items to bring to a party:
happy, positiv, and really wants to dance! and hungry, if you gonna get some food :)
F is for favourite song at the moment:
babylon with pauline. a hell of a good song!
G is for favourite game:
monopol i think :)
H is for home town:
I is for instruments you play:
at the moment, none, cause my strict on my guitarr is broken :/
J is for jam or jelly you like:
hmm .. i don't eat jam that much, but i like raspberry if i have to choose one.
K is for kids:
i don't have any kids but they're so cute and i really want kids later in my life.
L is for living arrangements:
hmm.. what do you mean, exactly?
M is for mothers name?:
N is for name of your crush:
filip and fredrik! :D <3<3<3<3<3<3
O is for overnight hospital stays:
none, luckily.
P is for phobias:
heavy highs!
Q is for quotes you like:
oh, that's a tough one .. hmm .. many quotes, can't figure someone out now, sorry.
R is for relationship that lasted the longest:
haha, well .. niclas or johan in my younger years.
S is for sartorial style:
sartorial? i don't know what that suppose to mean, but my style is kind'a .. grey.
 T is time you wake up:
today i woke up a quarter past seven.
U is for underwear:
bra and panties.
V is for vegetables you love:
hmm .. everykind of vegetables!
 W is for weekend plans:
 dance-contest, eat nice food, to train, and maybe go to cinema :)
X is for x-rays you've had:
Y is for yummy food you make:
mmmm, food! chicken, pizza, tacos, chinese-food, grilled food, rise, pasta, everything!
Z is for zodiac sign:
Å är för åt dem som du vill skicka listan vidare till:
hmm .. i don't really know, maybe filip & fredrik :)
Ä är för älsklingstrend:
i hate trends!
Ö är för en önskan just nu:
to meet filip and fredrik <3


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